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This is another excellent point by highrecall.com, which states that nobody cares what you have to say. Because we’re all on information overload, it’s silly to think that someone would be drawn to our ad just because it’s about us.

Web video definitely has an advantage over TV commercials in that the viewer has no TiVO remote to skip past our ad. But if you do decide to go the route of broadcasting for TV, here’s are a few tips to make your ad stand out from the pack:

  1. Do something unexpected. What do you do if your tv goes to static? You pay full attention, right?
  2. Say something in an unusual manner. If an insurance company can get away with it, anyone can. AFLAAAAAAAC!
  3. Be overly repetitive. This can include repeating the same phrase or even the same 15-sec ad back to back. This can include repeating the same phrase or even the same 15-sec ad back to back.

Videos that are broadcast on your website, YouTube, podcasts, Facebook and other social media sites have our attention because we are already part of a captive audience and treat it as valuable information.

In short, a 30-second commercial that’s tied to a blog entry or posted on someone’s Facebook wall is much more likely to be watched on a computer screen than if it were on TV alone.

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